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Quovant hosts Free Code Camp

This past Saturday Quovant hosted the Free Code Camp monthly meetup. For those who have never heard of Free Code Camp, it is a non-profit organization that teaches people how to code with a free online curriculum on modern web development, with opportunities to gain experience developing software projects for other nonprofits. The Free Code Camp Nashville meetup is a group of local volunteers and development enthusiasts who organize presentations on topics from beginner coding concepts to soft skills and career development. Quovant welcomed developers, designers, and students in Middle Tennessee into our Predators conference room where speaker Alex Thomas walked through the updates ES6 brought to the common front-end programming language, JavaScript. As a member of the Nashville tech community for over 20 years, Quovant is excited to support the learning and growth of local developers who share a passion for staying knowledgeable and up-to-date with current technologies. Join the conversation at the next meetup on Saturday, April 3rd for a talk on the Road to Senior Developer.

Anmerkung der Redaktion: Dieser Beitrag wurde ursprünglich auf der Quovant-Website veröffentlicht. Nach der Übernahme von Mitratech im Jahr 2022 wurde der Inhalt auf die Mitratech-Website verschoben.

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