Onsite Visit Request Approval
Manage and assess requests from employees and contractors to access the office for various purposes.
Firm Diversity Review
Ensure outside counsel and firms are able to continue servicing your company as usual.
Timekeeper Diversity Review
Ensure outside counsel and firms are able to continue servicing your company as usual.
Self-Service NDA
Automate the NDA submission and review process to eliminate inefficiencies, improve compliance, and reduce ...
Coverage Opinions
Staff Counsel and Claims Professionals collaborate and align with external parties.
Legal Vendor Continuity
Ensure outside counsel and firms are able to continue servicing your company as usual.
Law Firm Continuity
Ensure outside counsel and firms are able to continue servicing your company as usual.
Case Continuity Tracker
Ensure outstanding cases are not in jeopardy and that work toward their completion is still in progress.
Vendor Onboarding with Privacy Review (KPL)
Vendor compliance is a critical component of security and privacy compliance. TAP Workflow Automation can s...
Data Inventory and Recertification Request (KPL)
GDPR Article 30 requires companies produce records of processing activities to prove compliance to regulato...
Data Subject Access Requests
The CCPA and the similar state-by-state regulations that are following ensure that consumers have a stronge...
CCPA Vendor Onboarding
Vendor compliance is a critical component of security and privacy compliance.
Conflict of Interest
Effectively address and resolve conflict-of-interest issues that need the ongoing attention of multiple sta...
Data Privacy
An organisation must ensure that consent procedures by which employees agree to the retention of their pers...
Diversity Feedback and Policies
Provide a means for organizations to ask their employees about the organization’s diversity program.
Do Not Sell Request
Automating the processing of consumer requests to opt-out of sale of PI to third parties.
Entertainment Disclosures & Exceptions
Provide a simple, convenient way for executives and staff to report on gifting and entertainment activities...
Legal/Policy Questions
Log, preserve and address employee inquiries and legal responses around the implementation of new policies ...
Policy Exceptions
Simply and effectively track and preserve all communications and documents around policy exceptions in orde...
Regular Compliance Affirmation
Enable stakeholders and policy managers to affirm that key policies and procedures are being followed and c...
Third Party Due Diligence
Create a solution to onboard new vendors, ensuring relevant information is captured, routed, reviewed and a...
Companies need to provide employees a way to anonymously report activity that they suspect is fraudulent. W...
Investment Form
Devise a workflow used to submit and process potential new investment opportunities of varying types and va...
New Partner Onboarding
Design a workflow for an HR/Finance team to onboard new partners that sign on with their company.
Sourcing Requests
Build automated workflows for managing a variety of RFX processes.
Vacation / Disability Leave Requests
Develop an automated workflow to manage the process of reviewing vacation or sick leave requests.
New Independent Contractor Agreements
Create a workflow for HR to review and process requests for new independent contractors.
Legal Services Request Portal
Design and launch automated online forms and Legal Ops workflows for efficiently managing legal services re...
Contract Requests
Automate the Legal Ops process for generating a legal contract, whether simple or parts of a complex Contra...
Patent Mining Sessions
Create an expedited process for requesting and setting up Patent Mining Sessions within the organization.
Directors & Officers Liability (D&O)
Develop a Legal Operations workflow enabling users to make disclosures about the director, officer, and adv...
Conference Participation & Publication Review
Design and publish a request-and-review process for employees seeking to participate in professional confer...
Electronic Signatures
Adopt a highly secure yet simple means for digitally indicating consent or approval on a digital document.
Trademark Infringement Log
Bring automated efficiency and speed to workflows for trademark filings, renewals, and related Legal Ops pr...
Counsel Retention
Design a workflow to manage the process of requesting, drafting, reviewing and authorizing outside counsel ...
Matter Management Intake
Design a dedicated Legal Operations workflow to manage matter management items, ensure compliance and minim...
Developer Agreements
Automate the process of creating agreements for new external developers working on an organization’s projects.

Accelerate your enterprise.
Transform your processes with best-in-class workflow automation.