Data and AI Governance Resources
The most comprehensive solution for data and AI application governance, with market-leading discovery capabilities.
Learn more about Mitratech’s AI Governance Solution from Matt, our VP (Virtual Person).
Mitratech 的解决方案通过可扩展的评估和领先的发现功能,提供了整个企业使用的人工智能和 ML 技术的完整清单。
Identify and evaluate the risks associated with AI, implement controls and governance mechanisms, mitigate and monitor risk levels associated with AI, and report on those risks with an easy to use solution.
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了解 Mitratech 的与众不同之处Market-leading discovery capabilities provide confidence in the completeness of the inventory of AI applications.
可定制的报告和仪表板能 360 度全方位地了解整个组织的人工智能风险,然后根据风险偏好和 NIST 人工智能框架进行审查。
AI is being used heavily in manufacturing to detect errors in production, and in the automotive industry for object identification, detection and avoidance. In health care, we see it regularly perform patient data processing tasks and analyze medical images. Within business, AI can make decisions in recruitment and HR systems and provide prevention against cybersecurity threats.
The identification, assessment and governing of AI applications falls primarily within your organization’s risk function. Those stakeholders who own the AI governance agenda are often the CR, CFO, CTO/CIO/CDO, Head of IA and Head of Model Risk Governance or Operational Risk.
Common risks include program and algorithmic bias in important decision-making tools, violation of privacy with risks to personal data being sourced and mined, operational and security risks such as non-approved software being used across an organization without IT and risk teams knowing.
了解要求以及如何按照最适合贵组织的规定实施计划是关键的第一步。拥有正确的识别方法来映射您的库存、遵循清晰的设计文档、执行测试和完善同样都是必须做到的。在信任未经测试和未知的人工智能/ML 系统以提高效率之前,良好的人工智能控制和管理应始终是首要任务。
Mitratech 是市场上唯一一家为 IT 控制之外的应用程序提供 AI 应用程序识别和 AI 应用程序持续版本与变更控制管理的 AI 治理解决方案提供商。
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