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Best Place to Work Blog Post Header


凯利-格林沃特 |

Open PTO, casual dress code, laid back office environment, and free tacos on special occasions – these are common perks for many of the companies that landed a spot on Built in Austin’s Best Places to Work in Austin.

But these weren’t the 初级 reasons why I was drawn to Mitratech in 2017.

When I first walked into Mitratech’s 奥斯汀 headquarters, I saw the company’s core values framed on the wall – transparency, continuous improvement, and ownership. Anyone can put words on a wall, but what I noticed on that first visit was those values are felt in the air. I saw them exhibited from all departments in all areas of the business.

Transparency, in particular, was something that appealed to me. I was looking for a place where I could work with a team towards a collective goal, short on personal ego and tall on open communication so we can work together towards scalable growth.

More than a year later, I can honestly say that I love my job and everyone I work with. People here are very talented, they are strong collaborators, and they have a great sense of humor. Ask anyone at Mitratech what their favorite thing is about working here and the most common answer is “the people”. Our clients, our employees, our partners, our leaders… they bring us together and they give us a common mission.

As a working mother of two, I am extremely selective about where I work and who I work with. I spend at least 40 hours a week with these people, even more when traveling. My work home has to meet my personal needs as well as my career needs. And I found a fantastic work home here at 钛合金公司.