How Much Does HotDocs Cost?

Mitratech Staff |

We get phone calls every day asking about HotDocs pricing. “How much does HotDocs cost?” is a great question that deserves an answer, so here is a summary of HotDocs’ pricing information.

To find out how much HotDocs will cost for your organization, you need to understand a couple of other things first:

  • The more licenses you purchase, the cheaper it gets! It makes sense, right? The prices listed below are base prices, but your organization might need more licenses than others. We know that HotDocs will save you so much time and money that we are going to help you get more bang for your buck. In this post, I’ll lay out the basic prices, but to learn about volume discounts, talk with ourSales team. You can call them at 800-500-3627 or email them at [email protected].
  • HotDocs has four different products, each with different purposes and different prices:

HotDocs Developer

Description: The keystone of HotDocs is HotDocs Developer. Developer is the authoring tool. Using Developer, you can turn your Word Perfect and Word documents or PDF forms into automated templates and use those templates to generate customized documents. Best of all, HotDocs has designed this tool so anyone can learn how to automate documents in a relatively short time; you don’t need to be a software engineer to figure this stuff out.

Smaller organizations will typically only need one or two copies of Developer; depending on the size and scope of your organization, most members of your company will use HotDocs User, HotDocs Document Services, or HotDocs Server instead.

HotDocs Developer Price: $800 per license (this is a one-time fee).

After your templates are developed, you can choose from 3 different products to deploy them:

HotDocs User

Description: Depending on the size of your organization, you might have tens, hundreds, or thousands of people using the templates you develop with HotDocs Developer. HotDocs User is the desktop method for deploying your templates to the end-user (the people actually drafting and producing finished documents). It is designed to assemble documents or forms from the template the Developer creates. User cannot make changes to the actual templates. In other words, with Developer, you can both develop and deploy templates, but User can only deploy them. This reduces the chance of errors in your documents because all template-level changes are made by the document developer.

HotDocs User Price: $330 per license (this is a one-time fee).

HotDocs Document Services

Description: HotDocs Document Services is the cloud-based version of HotDocs. Much like HotDocs User, you’ll need Developer to turn your documents into templates, but then you can use Document Services for the rest of the people in your firm. The coolest part about the cloud has to be client interviews. You can send an information-gathering interview to someone else in your organization or directly to a client! To really see how this all works, visit our Document Services product page here (you can watch a video or sign up for a free webinar to learn more).

HotDocs Document Services Pricing:


  • Base Package (1-5 Users) = $99 per month.
  • 6-19 Users = $19/user per month.
  • 20-49 Users = $17/user per month.
  • 50-99 Users = $16/user per month.
  • If you have 100+ users, give us a call for even bigger discounts.


HotDocs Document Services Client Interview Pricing: The first 100 are free with a Document Services subscription. They never expire and can be used at any time. After the first 100, it’s only $1 per interview.

HotDocs Server

Description: HotDocs Server is our enterprise class solution. This is a real workhorse that can support hundreds or thousands of users in your organization by integrating with all kinds of systems and environments (SharePoint, intranets, databases, etc.). It is the most powerful and customizable solution available and is perfect for large organizations (corporations, law firms, banks, government agencies, etc.).

Price: The best way to answer a question about the price of HotDocs Server is: “It’s complicated.” In all fairness, each Server installation is customized. Because HotDocs Server can be configured in so many ways to make the perfect fit for an organization, HotDocs sales representatives work closely with you to design and implement a customized system for your enterprise. Unfortunately, there is no way to really know what how much your Server customization will cost until you talk with them. Call HotDocs (800-500-3627) to get a better idea of how your organization could benefit from our enterprise-grade HotDocs Server.

As I mentioned before, your situation is unique, and the HotDocs solution that works best for your organization most likely will be, too. If you have any questions about HotDocs pricing or would like to request a customized quote, feel free to contact us at 800-500-3627 or leave a comment below. Additionally, we have multiple webinars that you can watch to learn more about HotDocs. We know HotDocs will help you save time, save money, and reduce errors in your documents. I hope this helps!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on In June 2024, Mitratech acquired Advanced Document Automation Platform, HotDocs. The content has since been updated to include information aligned with our product offerings, regulation changes, and compliance.