
Simply and effectively track and preserve all communications and documents around policy exceptions in order to maintain compliance and avoid risk.


  • Easy-to-use online self-service forms allow employees to submit policy exceptions for review and approval by the appropriate stakeholders.
  • Forms can be built in TAP with embedded business logic, dropdown fields and other features, to meet the required process.
  • Workflow, including specification of stakeholders and notifications, is completely configurable.
  • Ensure that when appropriate, a risk assessment is carried out before the policy exception is approved.
  • Track when a policy exception is due to expire and automatically follow up with the request to see if the exception still applies.
  • Once submitted, requests are automatically routed to proper stakeholders/managers for review.
  • Approval or denial notifications can be automatically generated and sent to requesters.


  • Far better visibility into policy exceptions across the organisation.
  • Centralizing exception activities in a single system results in enhanced reporting to key stakeholders across the organisation.
  • Increase visibility into policy-related risks through automated logging, process and resolution of exceptions and disclosures.
  • Automation of manual processes – including logging, processing and resolution of exceptions – drives significant ROI.
  • Workflow automation provides significant ROI by streamlining processes and reducing the manual labor required with typical exception processing, while also reducing the potential for costly human error.
  • Reporting dashboard and analysis features make it possible to quickly uncover high-risk behaviors, trends or problem employees.