Mitratech InvoiceIQ

Legal AI Invoice Review

Improve Accuracy and Efficiency to Reduce Legal Spend


Smarter Invoicing, Smoother Operations. What's the Secret Behind AI Invoice Review Software?

Minimize Legal Spend with Less Payment Errors

AI Invoice Review Software uses advanced machine learning to streamline and enhance the accuracy of invoice processing. By applying standardized criteria to every invoice, it reduces discrepancies, ensures compliance, and delivers consistent results.

A standout feature is its ability to analyze line-item descriptions in context, pinpointing errors, inconsistencies, or non-compliant charges with precision. This minimizes manual effort, accelerates approvals, and simplifies workflows for finance and legal teams.

InvoiceIQ AI Review Software

Your Invoice Review Process Doesn’t Need to be Costly, Inefficient, or Time Consuming

AI Invoice Review Software is crucial for reducing legal spend by identifying inefficiencies and minimizing unnecessary costs. It enforces your specific billing policies using automated rules, ensuring consistent compliance and preventing overbilling.

It also provides standardized, granular visibility into your law firms’ activities, giving you a clear view of where time and resources are being allocated. This insight fosters accountability, improves decision-making, and helps optimize legal operations for greater financial control.

InvoiceIQ Review Process

Elevating the Invoice Review Process with Machine Learning

Improve Accuracy and Efficiency in the Invoice Review Process

  • InvoiceIQ Time Savings

    Time Savings

    Leverage Machine Learning technology to automate line item categorization and save your team time.

  • Optimized Cost Control

    10-15% Cost Savings

    Enforce billing policies with invoice line item recommendations, which allow you to reject or adjust line items and save 10% or more in legal spend annually depending on your billing guidelines.

  • InvoiceIQ Accuracy

    98% Accuracy

    Use Natural Language Processing that provide consistent categorization for invoice line items, aiding in reporting with precision.

Book a demo to learn about how Mitratech can reduce legal spend with InvoiceIQ


InvoiceIQ Testimonial

“By the time an invoice gets to an attorney, that attorney only has to review a small subset of line items that contain warnings or adjustments instead of the entire invoice, which saves a tremendous amount of time.”

Legal Operations Specialist Fortune 100 Company

Unlock Your Personalized Comparative Dashboard

The Comparative Dashboard allows you to evaluate a law firm’s performance against others by using InvoiceIQ metrics, with the ability to filter and compare firms side-by-side.

InvoiceIQ Diversity Comparison

Diversity Comparison

Compare the distribution of hours and fees by gender or race for a specific firm and those for multiple firms or preferred firms to see the diversity goals on specific areas, as following widgets in the dashboards:

  • Spend by Gender
  • Hours by Gender
  • Spend by Race
  • Hours by Race
InvoiceIQ Diversity Comparison
InvoiceIQ Expenses Comparison

Expenses Comparison

InvoiceIQ Invoice Comparison

Invoice Compliance Comparison

InvoiceIQ Timekeeper Comparison

Timekeeper Rates Comparison