Immigration Survey
Immigration Survey

调查:移民法律团队关注的 3 个领域

谢伊-米斯拉 |

After several years of restrictions and suppressed immigration numbers, the Biden Administration has provided a light at the end of the tunnel, slowly but surely. America’s new immigration-friendly environment can only lead to a healthier economy.

But combined with the changing immigration climate, and increasing case numbers, companies have also been dealing with a pandemic that has altered the workforce significantly. The new hybrid work model has brought on its own set of challenges for many. 

So what do all the changes mean for the many immigration attorneys and caseworkers trying to navigate the new immigration case management landscape? We resolved to uncover some answers, with our Immigration Case Management Survey.

Responses provided the insight needed to determine what these professionals see as their biggest pain points, where their resources are being challenged, and ultimately, what we can do to help.

Immigration Case Management survey results

We found three major areas that immigration professionals need to see addressed:



Going Virtual

41% of respondents found challenges with remote communication with both colleagues and clients.

With many staff members being absent and/or virtual, the ease and agility of communication becomes more difficult. Some also found that receiving digital files from applicants was sometimes an exercise in futility. Not everyone, after all, is technologically advanced.

Add to that the fact that so many applicants now are remote, even spread across the globe, and the need for case management to rely on a software solution, easily accessible by all digitally, becomes that much greater.


Another residual effect of the new “virtual” world, security was rightfully a concern for our respondents. 34.5% said that security was the biggest challenge of going virtual. Ensuring compliance with a safe and secure software is of utmost importance.

Which elements of security were most concerning? 60% noted that client security was their biggest issue, while 45% also found file sharing between both clients and colleagues to be troublesome.

Immigration Survey

Policy & Regulatory Changes

With the new immigration-friendly administration, comes an increase in immigration cases, along with a slew of policy and regulatory changes, many of them reversing some of the rules that immigration case workers had been following the previous few years.

In fact, 60% of our respondents said that keeping up with new policies and regulations was their biggest pain point in 2021.

Associated with this, is the fact that some found they had fewer staff due to the pandemic, yet more and more clients to serve, further complicating the issue.

60% of our respondents said that keeping up with new policies and regulations was their biggest pain point in 2021.

Immigration software technology is the wave of the future

With the “new normal” of the hybrid workforce, the trend towards digital, and the ever-evolving immigration management space, it’s clear why companies are increasingly turning towards immigration software technology solutions.

Paper forms are no longer a viable method of accurately completing the voluminous amount of documents necessary to keep up with the increasingly complex immigration compliance landscape. Having a centralized repository that all members of your team can access, regardless of location, and one that ensures compliance with the latest regulations, has quickly become the wave of the future… and the present.

进一步了解我们久经考验、行业领先的 I-9 和移民管理解决方案。