For university teams who’d like to focus more on students, not correcting HR paperwork

Universities worldwide are the cornerstone for building up the intellect of our future generations. University HR teams face the challenge of empowering their students to be the very best they can be while ensuring that required HR documentation is completed in a compliant and rapid manner.

Mitratech supports teams in university and educational settings by providing state of the art I-9 & E-Verify Compliance, contract and management, university vendor risk management, and workflow automation systems.

What are the benefits?

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Cost-effective compliance

Mitratech understands the budget constraints of U.S. educational institutions. We take pride in offering the highest standards of compliance and automation within cost-effective packages.

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Simple remote hiring

Mitratech’s I-9 Remote extends beyond the resources of CUPA, providing on-demand and in-person Section 2 processing within all 50 states across the U.S.

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One centralized platform

Avoid the risk of transporting sensitive paper I-9 forms to and from HR. Securely manage student and faculty I-9s from one intuitive, electronic dashboard.

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Automate document management

From NDAs to contracts to intellectual property matters, automate and archive each step of a document lifecycle.

Tools for transforming the operations behind education

TAP Workflow Automation

TAP Workflow Automation

TAP empowers you to automate nearly any repetitive manual process, so you can focus on what’s important: doing the work, not wrestling with workflows.

Tracker I-9 Icon

Tracker I-9 Compliance

The only I-9 compliance software that’s maintained a perfect track record for 20+ years with U.S. government agencies.

TAP Workflow Automation


The original fully-customizable immigration case management software for the 21st-century law firm, offering the most intuitive solution available for organizations requiring full compliance.

Related resources
Explore in-depth downloads and other resources that detail how to solve the challenges facing the legal industry.

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Learn how we support your success

Schedule a demo, or learn more about Mitratech’s products, services, and commitment.