Why does policy and procedure management matter more than ever?

Policy and procedure management is essential during ordinary periods, and especially important during disruptions or pivots.  Today, enterprises are being challenged to have more agile, proactive, and efficient policy and procedure management frameworks in place to sustain business continuity.

With the automated ease of use offered by Mitratech solutions, policy and procedure management becomes streamlined and cost- and labor-efficient as never before.

Policy and Procedure Management Solutions

What could it cost to not adopt policy and procedure management solutions?

Policy and Procedure Management Solutions


The percentage of companies asking employees to work from home during COVID-19, requiring policy changes and communication (Gartner).

Policy and Procedure Management Solutions

£44 million

How much Citigroup was fined due to its UK leaders having “limited understanding and awareness of the Firms’ own policies and procedures”.

Policy and Procedure Management Solutions

$17.5 million

What Wells Fargo’s former CEO was personally fined for involvement in the company’s well-publicized sales practices scandal.

Mitratech policy and procedure management solutions

PolicyHub PolicyHub

Save time and costs by streamlining policy management and removing complexities and errors, for a flexible, efficient, and defensible compliance program.

datastore DataStore

Control the capture, archiving, retrieval, accessibility, and retention of all business-critical information in your organization via a secure central repository.

TAP Workflow Automation TAP

Easy-to-use workflow automation for accelerating key processes to handle consumer personal data requests, as well as other data privacy-related demands.


Discover and manage “Shadow IT” spreadsheets and other data assets hidden across your enterprise to reveal if they hold personal data.

Who relies on Mitratech for policy and procedure management?

Click on any logo below to see its associated Case Study.

TransRe Logo
Charles Stanley

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Contact us and we’ll answer any questions about how Mitratech supports your data privacy compliance success.