Streamlining Government: HotDocs in the Public Sector

Mitratech Staff |

For public service agencies in times of recession and budget cuts, doing more with less has become a necessity. Time spent on repetitive documentation can become overwhelming and staff that are overworked and under pressure can make mistakes. For the organisations detailed below, HotDocs was what was needed to get back on track.

HotDocs can be used within any size of government agency to automate regularly used documents and forms. One County Council in the UK implemented HotDocs in the Human Resources department as a way to streamline business processes and standardise documentation. The council found that using HotDocs to produce documents such as employment contracts, variations and extensions resulted in an 80% reduction in production times.

Another UK based government department uses HotDocs for complex case documentation, which, before HotDocs was implemented, could take up to three days to produce. After introducing HotDocs into this process the time taken was reduced to only three hours, dramatically improving operational efficiency.

In addition, other government organisations in the UK have reported that using HotDocs software means less repetitive processes and a lot of time saved on documents such as title deeds and associated correspondence as well as benefits, pension, retirement and payment collection forms.

Moving to the other side of the Atlantic, in the United States government agencies use HotDocs successfully for a variety of documents such as litigation forms, Military JAG forms and legal documents.

One large state government body uses HotDocs to produce cooperative agreements while collaborating with partner agencies. These agreements could take several weeks to put together and the lengthy process was causing problems. HotDocs was implemented as a way to tackle the limited resources and declining budget this organisation was faced with. Now the organisation is saving 204,000 hours per year in the production of cooperative agreements.

These examples clearly show the benefits of using HotDocs when faced with the need to do more with less. Even with depleted resources, these government bodies were able to reduce risk caused by errors in documentation, enhance compliance and drastically improve operational efficiency.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on In June 2024, Mitratech acquired Advanced Document Automation Platform, HotDocs. The content has since been updated to include information aligned with our product offerings, regulation changes, and compliance.