New Independent Contractor Agreements
Create a workflow for HR to review and process requests for new independent contractors who aren’t currently on file with the organization.
- Easy-to-use online self-service forms allow employees to submit requests for HR review and approval of independent vendors/contractors.
- Forms can be built in TAP with embedded business logic, dropdown fields and other features, customizable by type of contractor or other specifics.
- Workflow can be designed to accommodate different parameters: length of contract, clearances, asset/budget allocations, and so forth.
- Workflow, including specification of stakeholders and notifications, is completely customizable.
- Once submitted, requests are automatically routed to proper stakeholders/managers for review.
- Approval or denial notifications can be automatically generated and sent to requesters and/or contractors.
- If approved, contractors can be either sent or directed to online portal for required forms such as contracts, W-9s, 1099s, NDAs or other documents.
- Automated notifications can include alerts to Accounting /Purchasing department.
- A secure Cloud-based archive of workflows and all documentation provides for detailed compliance/auditing.
- Requests are submitted and processed with far greater speed and minimized errors, delays and costs.
- Required vendor forms and documentation are routed and processed automatically.
- Contractors/vendor status can be expedited and closely monitored through TAP dashboards.
- Unnecessary overages and vendor redundancies can be eliminated via improved central governance.
- E-signature integration standardizes secure approvals.