Launch Your Own QHSE

Mitratech Staff |


Launch Your Own QHSE or GRC System with a White Label Software Platform from integrum


At integrum, we are proud to offer one of the most powerful pieces of QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment) and GRC (Governance, Rise Management, and Compliance) software on the market. Our software makes it easier than ever before to identify, assess and manage risks; ensure compliance with government laws and industry regulations; and provide safer workplaces for their employees. Any business can benefit from our software, and many have. So far, we have over a million adopters in some 200 countries worldwide.


The integrum White Label Platform


We also offer our product as white label software, to companies that wish to create and sell their own QHSE or GRC software. While our program has features that are universal across virtually any industry you could name, there is still a market for more targeted health, safety, risk management and compliance software. Different industries or market niches will rally around software built, configured and honed to suit their specific needs.

This demand for more targeted software is where integrum’s white label platform becomes a part of the conversation. Our software is purposefully vast, featuring an array of different functions under the umbrella of a single application. Usually, our clients appreciate this comprehensive versatility. They like being able to use the same software for risk management, compliance, asset management, internal audits and a dozen other purposes.

A business looking just for risk management software, or just for document management software, might prefer a more straightforward program. We offer integrum as white label software to suit these demands.

Over the years, businesses have taken our software through our white label platform, rebranded it as their own, configured it for specific purposes and taken it to the market. Largely, these companies have enjoyed great success.

For example, a few years ago, we partnered with Master Electricians Australia. The organisation wanted to create a risk assessment and safety management platform to sell to electricians throughout the country. Rather than build a new piece of software from the ground up, Master Electricians Australia used integrum as white label software. To this day, you will find several of our features—for collecting incident data, assessing risk levels, managing inspections and more—in the Master Electricians Australia safety management platform.


Create Your Own White Label CRM System or Safety Management Platform Today


Whether you want to create a white label CRM system, a safety management platform along the lines of what Master Electricians Australia built or something else, the vast functionality of integrum provides the perfect place to start. If you do choose us as a white label software partner, we will work with you to configure and perfect your program into something that you can confidently take to market.


We believe that the features our software offers are essential in the world of business. It doesn’t matter whether those features come from the integrum label or from a business that has taken our software and branded it as their own. If you have an idea for a white label platform you think could be successful, reach out to us today about starting a partnership.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published to the Integrum site. After the 2022 Mitratech acquisition, the content was moved to the Mitratech site.