GDPR 30 Days Later, According to Experts
Since it officially launched 30 days ago, the news has been abuzz with speculations about GDPR. About what it means for Europe, what it could mean for the U.S., and how the written regulations will be carried out in practice.
With decades of experience in this space, our experts had a few thoughts to share about what GDPR means now, and where the focus for companies wanting to comply should be.
Here are key GDPR takeaways, according to the experts:
“Many companies didn’t really know what the GDPR journey was going to consist of before they started, so they’ve been laser focused on just becoming compliant – somehow, anyhow!
‘Many of these businesses now realise that the way they operate to maintain compliance is simply not sustainable. It’s too expensive/resource intensive and it involves too much manual effort, which is error-prone and difficult to track. These businesses will be hunting for more efficient (and lower cost) ways of maintaining GDPR compliance. Largely, of course, through the use of tech.”
-Mark Delgado, General Manager, EMEA and APAC
“The biggest focus now is to make everyone aware of what they need to do. We also have a heavy communications focus and are really trying to make our employees – and our clients – aware. We have the GDPR Resource Hub to help communicate these changes to our clients.”
-Dakota Wright, Security Analyst II
“Wherever you are on your [GDPR] journey, two tools can help you ensure your ongoing compliance program efforts are effective and structured. These tools involve implementing policy management and information governance solutions.”
-Jonathan Dedman, Senior Sales Consultant