Hyperion Report Names Advanced Legal Management Solutions
With the rise of complicated legal operations, enterprise legal management customers are turning towards simple, user-friendly solutions to solve complex problems on a global scale.
Since enterprise solutions often require enterprise-sized budgets, it is important for customers to choose their products and software solutions wisely. To help these customers identify the right solutions for their needs, the independent Hyperion Research organization conducts an annual review of the market’s leading enterprise legal management solutions, eBilling and matter management systems.
About Hyperion’s Legal Management Report
Each year, the Hyperion Marketview Report combines over 500 hours of industry benchmarking, primary interviews, client references and vendor briefings to create an objective overview of the enterprise legal management powerhouses. The report provides an invaluable resource for General Counsels and Legal Operations Managers to understand leading trends in corporate legal management and the legal software solutions landscape.
Out of the 23 companies considered in this report, less than half ranked on Hyperion’s Advanced Solutions list, including Mitratech’s TeamConnect legal management platform. According to the report, an Advanced Solution vendor demonstrates significant strength in both the product’s functionality and overall capabilities to provide solutions.
“TeamConnect is known for high degrees of customizability, flexibility and reliability, allowing users to scale the system to handle large volumes and variances of matter and spend data,” the report cites.
These advanced solution providers also meet or exceed all the Key Solution Components identified by Hyperion. To gain recognition as an advanced solution provider, a vendor must have a strong record of client satisfaction and market share, provide a consistent flow of valuable enhancements, have a highly-regarded management team and organization and demonstrate financial stability.
The report’s evaluation also considers:
- Product features
- Usability
- Maturity
- Technology
- Implementation
- Maintenance and support
- Company viability
- The company’s market vision for the future
The report cited Mitratech’s expansion on the international stage as a major platform for globalizing markets and commended Mitratech’s active user community, which they formally engage at onsite events.
These events include Interact, an annual global client conference where partners and company staff interact with clients to share networking, learning and best practice opportunities at this multi-day event.
Lastly, the report gave special recognition to several unique TeamConnect Features, including its:
- End-to-end lifecycle management
- Customizability
- Included upgrades
“While clients can customize and extend TeamConnect to their own unique business needs, TeamConnect’s configurable architecture, including rules, workflow and notification engines, screen design tools and a robust API layer, support ease of ownership,” the report cites.